Monday, June 22, 2009

In the Field

It seems fitting to be bumping up production just as the summer solstice flies by. I have made the transition from the Chadwick garden to the Field- where most of the $100,000 worth of produce that supports our program is grown. The Field area is comprised of 5 acres of row crop vegetables, along with assorted grains, limited fruit trees,  a patch of blueberries, and a perennial flower garden. It is a radically different reality from the magical garden on the hill where I just spent my last six weeks.

None the less- it’s beautiful. It’s a bit confusing for those of us who have only worked in hand-cultivated market gardens to be suddenly surrounded by such an immense quantity of food- beats, broccoli, chard, turnips, basil, lettuce—all in 300 foot rows. As I stood there this morning, hula hoe in hand I can’t say that I wasn’t intimidated. And when Liz explained that we wouldn’t be needing our hallmark forks and spades this rotation- I can’t say I didn't feel uneasy. Field anxiety sets in. How to farm with mechanical cultivation 101. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

moises likes you