Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A growing addiction

Please excuse my prose as I humbly search for a grand metaphor to equate photosynthesis with my life and learning experience at this moment.

Today I fully came to realize and appreciate that the photosynthetic growing power that produces all green matter is attributed to the timely intersection of Light from the sun, Water from the sky (or pipe), and Carbon Dioxide. When combined they make Carbohydrates- or Sugars, the building blocks of life. 

Rudimentary but Extraordinary. 

Taking a metaphorical step out on a very shaky rhetorical branch-- my current explosion of brain synapse is the combination of:
  Light; wisdom from the garden, my teachers, and my peers
Water; my blood coursing through my veins as I learn the irrigation systems of the field
Carbon Dioxide; the precious breaths of fresh air that comes wafting over the grass fields from the Monterey Bay as I work. 

Today they came together and created Sugar, the sweet syrup of inspiration- feeding my growing addiction. 

1 comment:

David said...

To us the death of a plant is a bountiful harvest. Plants must feel the same way about us and are aching to get at our stored nutrients. Perhaps the plants of the garden could be thought to tending to us, but are happy with the low hanging fruit of compost we provide for them, like a sacrament to stave them off for a moment longer.