Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Perhaps it's the winter, or perhaps it's living in an antagonizing environment- maybe it's graduate school, an experience filled to the brim with facts and figures about how and why the world has gone mad- but I've felt overwhelmed lately. Definitely not the embodiment of the witty pollyanna I've always considered myself. My lack of self-reflection was allowing me to pass judgment, as I remarked to myself that perhaps 'cynicism is just a mark of getting older'.

However, spring is upon us, and I am creating the new possibility of hope. Hope that even though it seems as if the world is upside-down, that capitalism, sexism, racism, classism, globalization, and privatization of the commons are coming together in one giant convergence to tear apart everything that is right and good in the world- change is happening.

I see my friends growing vegetables, the proliferation of farmers markets, I see campaigns against obesity, for the refunding of public education, for local economies, slow money, community infrastructure, and movements that seek to redefine society into something that favors community support rather than surrender.

I need to remember, in all of my studies and passions, to focus on the positive. Pick myself up. Look in the mirror, assure myself that positive change is possible, and that I will be a part in its happening.

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