Monday, April 13, 2009

First Day on the Farm

I have finally arrived. 
Woke up in my tent at the top of the world. Dawn breaking over the cover-cropped fields at the UCSC apprenticeship program, the view of the Monterey Bay spreading over the horizon stretching south towards home.

There are 39 of us. Hailing from all walks of life. Cooks, Gardeners, Horticulturists, Teachers, Musicians-- Food Enthusiasts all. I couldn't feel more blessed. Ultimately, this group will become an extension of my educational experience-- their multitude of energy and knowledge augmenting what the garden itself will teach. And as we wandered through the introductions and the registration, all of us are thinking the same thing. Are we really here? Or is this just an extension of our dreams.

It's really to full and beautiful to be real.
More anon.

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