Monday, December 15, 2008

Ms Keds Oganic

For a few days, I thought I might be the new Keds organic model. Hand picked from a nation wide search of emerging green leaders in their twenties, last week I made it to the final round of cuts. The prize was to be 25,000 of donate-able money for the charity of my choice, and a lifetime supply of Keds organic shoes. Who could pass that up? I went back and forth about the possibility of representing a corporate green washing campaign, especially when my research availed that Keds are made in China by very young females. I contacted Global Exchange in San Francisco and coordinated with their labor specialist just in case I won. I was still dealing with the head trip of being able to donate money that was siphoned from wages in China back to organizations working on fair labor standards in China. One giant game of cat and mouse. However, Keds ended up choosing the other girl, the 25k isn't coming my way, and I'm excited that I don't have to get on a plane. 

1 comment:

David said...

You dodged a bullet!