Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Feminist Bride: Online

My internet has taken on a life of its own.

At my first search of 'engagement rings', it was over. I should have know that it would trigger an onslaught of well thought out advertisements perfectly aimed at my heart's desire.

Rings. Dresses. Wedding Labels. Invitations. Caterers in my area- the list goes on.

I couldn't turn on my computer without an overwhelmingly accurate bombardment of  advertising. Before I could even suggest that I might want to learn about shops in my area, they had lists for me.

Having recently checked my google advertising profile, I now know that they know that I am a white, 28 year old female in the Bay Area, California. They must also know now that I am 'engaged' and looking for a 'wedding dress'. My search terms are like pitching giant advertising softballs.

Gone were the days when I could google in peace- now every picture that pops up has some beaming long haired female swooning in the arms of a good looking man. All the couples are white. All of the couple are heterosexual. Most of them are on a beach or in a forest.

I can only imagine what it must feel like to be a queer person in society hoping to tie the not. Thankfully on that end, Prop 8 was reversed in California yesterday. A small glimmer of hope for people who look and feel differently than the couples dancing across the sidebars of my screen- unless of course, they turn on the internet- search for anything close to 'wedding' and are instantly profiled.

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